tail tidy

  1. P

    Evotech Tail Tidy

    Hi Everyone, I just fitted the Evotech Performance tail tidy and I think it looks fantastic. I only realised how bad the stock looked until I replaced it. Thought I'd show you a before and after. I was far too conscious about putting everything back where it came from to take progress pictures...
  2. S

    Mud and Muck everywhere. Rear Wheel Hugger?

    I have been riding my new MT 07 for only 1 week and it already looks like I have been doing off-road cross country riding! It's filthy from where the rain has come off the back tyre. It's even sprayed up my back on to my helmet! Although, I admit that I did put on a tail tidy. Will a rear wheel...
  3. X

    Taily Tidy Problem

    Hi everyone. I recently bought a fender eliminator on e-bay. I'm new to all of this and so I was very excited to try it out. Taking everything apart was a breeze. However, I've just ran into a slight problem. I live in Taiwan, and our rear license plates are HUGE! So big, in fact, that it...
  4. P

    R&G Tail Tidy

    Just fitted an R&G tail tidy, reasonably easy to install. The only problem i found was that the mounting holes on the main bracket did not align correctly with the mounting holes on the cover plate. I ended up having to enlarge the holes on the cover plate, i used a 7mm drill bit.
