Check Tyre pressure hot or cold & how regular to add air


New member
I've heard some conflicting views about Tyre pressure maintenance. Some say it should be done when cold, (as I usually do with my car). But since these are sport tires, should be checked when hot.
Pressure should be; Front 33psi Rear 36psi Correct?

Also I find I need to top them up at least once a week, especially the front which after just checking now is at 22psi (cold).

Any advice appreciated, thanks.


New member
Yes, did that, it says cold & 33, 36. But the dealer insists because of the average temperature here in Hong Kong is 34 degrees in summer with 90% humidity, they check when warm.


I do It when cold. Once a week minimum. Ended up having to buy myself an Oxford pressure gauge to make it easier to fit in between the wheel/brake discs.

My car one was making it a sod of a job.
